5 Tips for Remote Interviews

by Leah Johnson & Abagael Rudock

Interviewing for a new remote role can seem intimidating, but our team is here to help! Bandalier uses a data-driven interview process, and our best team members have shared their tips for acing a remote interview.


Be Early

Be ready to start fifteen minutes before interviewing. This allows you to make sure that your camera angle is appropriate and that any audio devices are functioning properly. The few moments before also give you time to gather your thoughts, helping boost confidence and calming your nerves. 

Do your research

Reviewing any provided materials before the interview is a great way to show preparedness.  Some organizations will share rubrics or other materials. Some organization may have written about their interview process on their site. Reviewing these materials beforehand, and even taking a few notes, demonstrates your interest to your interviewers. Plus, it can help you feel more comfortable and positive about the interview as a whole.

Dress for a successful interview

Just because you’re interviewing from home does not mean you should dress casually. We recommend that candidates lean towards business casual for their first interviews. Button downs are a classic choice for anyone, and polo shirts can be a nice option for more casual interview settings. If you aren’t sure how formally your interviewer will dress, check out the company’s social media page. If that still doesn’t tell you much, check out some general tips from Indeed.

Keep distractions to a minimum

Whether it be loud children or a barking dog, it’s best to ensure that your interview space is free of distractions. In a worst-case scenario and a distraction does arise, do your best to not let it fluster you. Most folks understand that working from home means there may be pets of other people around. If an interruption occurs, try to use it as a professional example of how you can handle unexpected situations!

Ask questions

The interview is not just a chance for potential employers to meet and assess you. It’s also a chance for you to gain insight into the company or industry. Asking questions at the end can help you prepare for the role – and it opens up an opportunity for further dialogue. Take time before your interview to review the company’s website and social media, as well as the job description. Use that information to prepare a few open-ended questions that will help you understand your role.